OSE Inspection of Materials Control and Accountability: Field Perspective of Inspections

N. J. Roberts - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Inspection and Evaluation (I&E) process for materials control and accountability (MC&A) is discussed from the perspective of an \"inspectee.\" Methods of preparing for a visit by the I&E team and the operational and budget impacts of the I&E Standards and Criteria are briefly discussed. The I&E process does not have to be traumatic, but it can be if the inspectee is not properly prepared and if ground rules and procedures have not been established. This paper presents the author's views and reflects his perspectives of the Office of Security Evaluations (OSE) MC&A process. In preparation for this paper, the author has talked at length with his peers and has included some of their perceptions of the I&E process. However, this paper is the sole responsibility of the author and does not constitute an official position of the Los Alamos National Laboratory or of any other entity.